The Flip Side
Picture this. Young men and women who speak and typically understand only their mother tongue. They have jobs as Centre coordinators for “labs” ( if you can call them that!) – some in villages, some in urban slums; where children come after school to...
Behind each “success” – a million tiny steps and a great deal of struggle
I was conversing with my brother not too long ago and, quite naturally, the children and the Grannies of The Granny Cloud crept into it. He has been following the tales https://grannycloudtales.wordpress.com/ and enjoying them. Hopefully that is coming from more than...
Age and gender – No bar!
Many years ago, a newly approved eMediator posted on his Facebook page – “Today I became a Granny”. And indeed he did! Because age (so long as it is above 21) and gender is no bar to being a member of the Granny Cloud team. And Grannies come in all...
Protected: ‘Granny’ Rahul shares his experience…
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