by grannycloud | Apr 25, 2018 | From Suneeta's Desk
Every so often, we have the unpleasant task of saying “No”. ‘No’ to someone who would like to be a Granny. Given how short of Grannies we are and how many we really need, this is particularly hard. Yet, the bottom line is that not everyone is cut out to be a Granny....
by grannycloud | Apr 4, 2018 | From Suneeta's Desk
I was conversing with my brother not too long ago and, quite naturally, the children and the Grannies of The Granny Cloud crept into it. He has been following the tales and enjoying them. Hopefully that is coming from more than...
by grannycloud | Mar 12, 2018 | From Suneeta's Desk
Imagine that you are a 10 year old and quite intrigued with the idea of ‘space’ or ‘children’s rights’ or ‘fossils’. You and your friends are using a combination of English and your own native language (with some additional help –...
by grannycloud | Jan 6, 2018 | From Suneeta's Desk
One of my favourite bits about being a key member of the Granny Cloud team is the opportunity I get to interact, not just with the children and coordinators at all the locations, but the one-on-one chats I have with Grannies spread across the world. As we edge towards...
by grannycloud | Dec 22, 2017 | From Suneeta's Desk
When the SOMEs (Self Organised Mediation Environments) were first setup in 2008-2009 (Yes, that is the academic term for The Granny Cloud, and it is what we began with), it was in the context of the first observations of the children and the schools that were part of...