Now here’s a really BIG QUESTION! The Granny Cloud was/is based on the premise that there are many children [all over the world!] that need the interaction with warm, friendly facilitators [Grannies] to enable them to broaden their horizons, to consider alternative perspectives, to question information they access, to arrive at rational – logical conclusions, to continue the search for more information, to develop confidence and even learn a language.
It is also based on the premise that technology [read – computers and the internet] will help us reach children in disadvantaged, vulnerable, ‘remote’ locations. In the face of the current global challenge created by COVID-19 and related closure of many centres as part of precautionary measures to stem the spread of the virus, The Granny Cloud loses its ‘online’ connection to the children. Regular schools are thinking of shifting to ‘online teaching’ to counter the closure of schools. But the Granny Cloud was always ‘online’. We can certainly provide a tip or two about how to facilitate online interactions, but how do we reach our own children?! Mobile phones provide some [limited] opportunities but with different challenges and we are figuring out how to move ahead. We have some ideas, but would love to hear others. Do share your thoughts. And if you would like to join one of our Granny Tea parties [via skype], do let us know.
#whenthereisnointernet #reachingthevulnerable #bigquestions #viablesolutions #thegrannycloud